Streaming on Twitch

Streaming on Twitch has opened so many doors and windows for us. We took a break from Magic and then we came back to it. When we came back to it I started with Instagram when I started seeing posts for Magic. I was like wait, what is happening here. 

I tried Twitter, and honestly at first it seemed toxic and I did not want anything to do with it. In time I learned it is only as toxic as you make it or allow it to be.

When Doni and I got more active on Twitter we found Twitch. There was some Twitch before that, but I had no idea how many streamers there were who played paper commander on stream. We guested as much as we could and continued to play off stream as well. 

Once we started our own stream with the help of so many friends who got as started it opened so many possibilities for us and we have met some amazing people.

One day I reached out to Sheldon of the Rule Committee and said:

He wrote back almost right away and asked me to guest on the RC Stream! I was blown away.

Every time I think about it, I remind myself to just go for it. If you want to do something go for it. It may require some work and it has been work and dedication to be where we want to be as the FilthyMTGCasuals. I couldn't be happy with the friends we have made along the way.

There are so many names I wouldn't even know where to start.

We were asked back on the RC stream and this time it was to sit in on two games. I was so excited, then at the end of the games we get this.

If you want to stream or just started streaming and this is what you want to do, keep going, keep pushing. Enjoy all of the experiences.


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